This Book is for All Employers, Employees, entrepreneurs, and Families who work from home, Remote Locations.
The book will help all of them to improve productivity and be efficient in their work.
Traditionally the majority of employees from IT, ITES sector are required to work from home. However today even traders, housewives, teachers, college students, and many others work from home.
Work from home is also important to have better employee engagement, as it helps to have better work-life balance, since employees skip travel time, efforts, and cost, and also meet their personal need.

However, it also benefits employers to increase profitability by cost reduction and better employee efficiency.
This book is from the viewpoint of employers (including small, medium, and large size) as well as employees and respective families.
Today every person’s work-life balance and efficiency are impacted due to heavy traffic across the world. Employers as well as employees are in a dilemma to manage efficiency and also to ensure employee health and safety.
Thus all employers especially IT, ITES sector is struggling to make sure productivity and profitability of employees and for ensuring employee safety.